Saturday, July 2, 2011

lesson learned hard way

(Dedicated to my Mother...)

21 years of age,hair till my shoulder,baggy jeans,rock music,gym,bike....well you get the picture.Made decisions some wrong,some right,trusted my friends with my life.But my greatest strength,my support,my mentor,my teacher,my guider,my God on earth my mother but did not realize it completely until 10 June.

On 10 June everything changed.Met with a serious accident.Well it was not my first accident,I had approx 4 accidents but escaped all those without getting hurt or hurting anybody,but this time it was different.On 10 June, due to my and only my fault, I met with a not to pretty accident that literally made me helpful & dependent on others ever for scratching my hair.I thought why this has happened with me,why I am undergoing unbearable pain even if I do little movement in my tiny finger.I do my morning prayers,I never hurt anybody,I never cheated anybody major,respected the girls and payed due respect to my elders but then also what did I do to deserve all this.

First night was the toughest,the pain was unbearable,I have been hurt before but this pain I can't describe.Forget about movement,every deep breath was accompanied by no sweet pain. I did not think that I deserved even a little bit of it. My parents took leave the next day.Everybody from my neighbours,friends & friends friend came to see me.From third day my new life began.Now that I had worked in company,I know how tough it is to get even a single day of leave. But on third day,I asked my mother,will you be able to take leave for this week because I am helpless,I can't even eat,brush,even move on my bed by myself.Mom replied I have raised you until now, I am pretty sure that I can do it now also.And as far as office is concerned, I have already informed my boss that I am on leave until my son needs me. You know the rest what happened after that and my situation goes like Justintimber lake song...cry me a river.

I knew in my heart that this accident had happened for a reason & I thought that reason was to give my dying relationship a fresh start as it was hanging by a thread.Thought it improved till the time I got better, but I was miserably wrong in thinking that that was the reason.I know now that God gave me a favour by giving me a chance to learn two things..Be stable and mature in life, and get to know who truly care and will always care about me. When you stop in life,you can see other people better.I spend more time with myself and actually was able to understand people better.It is easy to make a friend but different to find a friend who cares.But the most imp thing I found was my new renowned love,respect for my mother.Call me selfish, but I would have given at least a thought before doing this much care for someone but my mother didn't. Everyone says that my mother is best and I truly believe that every mother is.To say is one thing but to experience that care is another thing.I would not have learned this any other way,I learned the hard way but God knows that I would not have learned any other way. I did not thank you when you brought me into this world but I want to thank you this time for giving me life again.

Luv you ma,miss you too.